Monday, June 21, 2010

hob lob's knobs

I can't say enough how excited I am to begin Shabby Chic Cottage's 
10 tasks in 10 days challenge!


one of my projects involves adding some new hardware fabulous knobs
to a c-list find.
so little one and i headed to hob lob to see what we could find...

i probably browsed the knob aisle for 10 minutes...
just wishing i had more places in my house that needed them!

these little zinnia knobs tickle my fancy

did you know they are the same knobs that anthro has?
they just go on 1/2 price, and anthro's don't.
                                                                                                                                          pinkybrown inc.
maybe not quite as much of a selection as anthro,
but definitely something that will wrap itself around your little finger.

can't wait to get started on the project...
hopefully it will be revealed soon!

when we were leaving, little one waved "bye bye" for the first time!
 i kinda teared up.  he is just so adorable!

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thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.