Wednesday, November 3, 2010

::how to:: painting curtains

one of the first posts that i read at cottage and vine was about how she painted her curtains!
they looked fabulous, but i thought i'd never have the patience for that project.
turns out i got an extra dose a few weeks ago because that's just what i did!

i seem to get the most done around the house when hubby and little one are sleeping...
i had been thinking about painting curtains, so that night i just decided to go for it!

curtains down from the window

i totally lucked out that the curtains i wanted to paint already had vertical lines stitched into the fabric.

made it so, so much easier to tape.
no measuring needed.

these drapes are from IKEA...not sure of the name but I'm sure you can still find them.

then i taped, taped some more, and kept taping...
until all the sides of the stripes-to-be-painted were bordered by nice even lines of painters' tape

next up, deciding on the painting surface.
the painting actually took place the next day, not that night.

::1:: plywood
too many tiny pieces

::2:: cardboard
too many ridges

::3:: smooth wood
just right
::hint:: always choose the smoothest surface

tester stripe.
the last thing i wanted to do was paint the 5 stripes (x2) and then not like my results.
so, i painted a stripe and then hung the curtain over the window.
i'm so glad that i did because i realized:
::1:: the curtains need two coats of paint
::2:: i need to sew a curtain lining to block some of the light shining through

finish painting the stripes.
i used a sponge brush and loaded up the paint. 
the thicker the 1st coat, the easier the 2nd.

let the paint dry completely.
i set mine out to dry in the TX sun for an entire afternoon.
the last thing you want is a masterpiece ruined due to impatience!

re-hang the curtains.

fall. madly. in. love.

from this,
see how my hutch turned white

to this!

and that's ::how to:: paint curtains! 
i hope you've been inspired to go out and paint your own.
if so, please link back here with your post so i can sneak a peek at your masterpiece!

sharing this ::how to:: with


  1. Those look AMAZING!!!! I love all your ideas!

  2. elizabeth!!! im so impressed by all your work!!!

  3. oooh, I like it. It looks fabulous! What a great idea! I'd love for you to join my link party going on now!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE it!! great job!!

  5. Great idea. It turned out fantastic!

  6. These look really, really good. You've created a very beautiful space!


  7. Awesomeness...funny I am doing the same thing now...well I was until I stopped to check out my partay! They look FABULOUS must be so happy. THanks for joining in...have fun! XO

  8. Thanks, Debbie! Can't wait to see how yours turn out! I bet they'll be amazing!

  9. Oooooohhhh, I want to make some!!!!! Those are so awesome, thanks for sharing! I found you on Debbiedo's.


  10. never came to mind that I could paint curtains. looks really good.

  11. That is wonderful! Looks like a lot of work to me but it certainly paid off. Love it.

  12. That looks amazing. What a great idea. It looks like it was well worth the work involved. I found you via Debbie's party. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  13. What a great idea...your end result was certainly worth all the effort. I found you over at Debbie's and am following you now. Come visit me when you have time. Have a great week!

  14. Love them, the stripes and your painted corner cabinet look great side by side!
    I'm your newest follower, stop by when you have a minute.

  15. I love the painted Drapery project you completed!!I want to try a painted comforter!! I will join your blog as a follower, I would love you to join mine too!!

  16. I.Love.This!! Great Job!!

    I found you through Debbiedoos!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  17. Oh I never saw painted drapes before? The look just great. I am visiting from the Newbie Party and am now a follower.

  18. What a brilliant idea! Curtains look so chic now! I love your blog, very inspirational. :)

    I found you through Debbie's newbie party.

  19. I have a question for you - it looks like you used just regular valspar paint - right? I want to paint my curtains too, but know it will take a ton of fabric paint. Are you happy with the way the valspar paint worked? is it really stiff or has it softened over time?

    thank you!!

  20. Hi Tristina,
    I did use regular Valspar paint...I was very happy with the results after 2 coats. It is a little stiff, but probably just because I tied them back after I was finished and don't touch them much. I do like how they hold their shape nicely though. I hope that helps - send me a picture when you finish and I'll feature you on the blog! thx for your question!

  21. Thank you for the answer Liz! I will be sure to send pictures when I am done. I hope before the new baby arrives, but we will see!


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.