Thursday, January 20, 2011

taking care of business

After traveling nearly every weekend during the holidays,
and being gone the three weekends following Christmas
Hubby & I were worn out!
It seemed like as soon as I unpacked on Sunday, washed and folded clothes, 
cleaned one room, and grocery shopped, that I was repacking again on Thursday!
That is just a tough schedule to live by for three or more weeks in a row, 
and lots of little knick knack jobs around the house get ignored! 
So, after stealing this idea from some of our friends,
Hubby & I set a goal that throughout 2011 
we would only leave town one weekend each month.
We're hoping that this will allow us to cherish all the time we're with family/ friends out of town,
and still leave us plenty of time to invest in our relationships in town!
And also give me 3 weekends a month to tackle home projects...
So, these last few evenings have been spent playing catch-up on little projects around here.

Started on the eclectic wall... 
(are you sick of hearing me talk about it yet? 
I am. so. ready. to. check. it. off. my. list.)

Fixed the wrinkle in our breakfast room rug.

I was the one who put down the rug and moved all the furniture around...
and that table is heavy. I couldn't lift it and fix the crinkle at the same time.
The task took less than 3 minutes, it was just a matter of remembering to ask Hubs to help me.

so  much better!

Changed out dead light bulbs.
I am embarrassed at how many light bulbs were out, from ceiling fans, to our breakfast room chandelier, to bathroom fixtures. 

Touch-up painted the office.
No lie...that had been that way since we moved in ... occurred as we took off the painter's tap.

Hubs fixed my leaky faucet...
Which actually wasn't installed correctly from the beginning. 
The handle turned the wrong way.
Hubs was the one who installed it.
love him.

and caught up on e-mails, laundry, dishes, etc. etc. etc.

Here's to hoping you had a successful week around your home as well!



  1. You are so cute! I love reading your have fabulous taste! I wish we lived closer!

  2. Liz - Chris and I have also adopted the Prothro's mantra of only leaving town one weekend a month. Love it and hope to live by it. Your knick knack jobs are inspiring me to get some done around my house as well!

  3. Happy New Year Liz. Looking forward to reading your 2011 blogs.
    From Rose


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.