Thursday, February 3, 2011

lots of love around here...

While most of the nation has been covered in snow,
those of us in TX have been enjoying temperatures in the teens and twenties!
I just think it's so funny how excited the news anchors get about snow and cold temperatures.
I am sure that everyone else in the nation thinks we're crazy
because they couldn't be more sick of the snow.

A little sprinkle of snow sounds wonderful to me though!
We are due for 3"-5" of snow throughout tonight and tomorrow,
so before our winter "storm" hits, little one and I bundled up and headed to Hob Lob
in the 29 degree weather to pick up some crafty items to keep us busy over the next few days!

Here are some of my inspiration pictures....

The Idea Room gave me a great Valentine's idea here.

I found this adorable free printable here  from Lolly Jane boutique.

My neighbor and the Nester made these fabulous wreaths...
and figured with the next few afternoons free for crafting I'd have time to make one, too!

and I have a few other crafties up my sleeve!

Since this is the week of the first giveaway,
let's also make it the week of the first Linky!

Tomorrow, Friday February 4th, plan to link up and share what you're doing or planning to do
to get in the festive, lovey Valentine's spirit!

I will leave the link open through February 14th...In case you're a procrastinating decorator...
which sometimes I tend to be, too. I just happen to have my act together this time!


  1. Looks like fun Liz. Stay warm!


  2. Lots of great crafts planned out....Have pictures, so we can ooo and awe! Tx. with ice and snow is not a good combo!

  3. Hi Liz, I would love to have you linked up for your Lovely tomorrow. Yes, all the pillows are for sale. Do I need to do anything on my end to link up? Also, I left a comment earlier today, but I don't see it posted. Do I need to repost? Maybe it didn't take my comment.

    Feel free to email if needed at

    Can't wait to see it tomorrow.


  4. Hi Liz, Crafting is just so much fun! Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. See you Monday for the second newbie link up party!


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.