Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

Last Friday, while the fam and i were snuggled up in our cozy home,
avoiding all the crazy icy cold weather,
I received an e-mail that warmed my heart!
Lisa wrote that she'd awarded me the stylish blogger award!
Wow! I was so humbled, surprised, and excited!
What an encouragement it was to me that day!
Lisa, thank you so, so much!  I truly appreciate it.

from :: Lisa @ Vintage Vine

As a recipient, I have some fun responsibilities...
I must share {7} things about myself and then choose {10} or so others to share the award with!

1. Before staying at home with my little guy, I taught 1st grade.
Ever since I'd been in 1st grade myself, my dream was to grow up and be a teacher!
Hubby proposed while I was student teaching... 
He wrote a book about our relationship, and brought an apple for the teacher, and of course a ring box ;)
I knew he would pop the question sometime soon, but he sure surprised me at school!

2. My favorite flavor of ice cream is Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. mouth is watering just thinking about it!

3.  Wicked is my all time, hands down, favorite musical.

4.  I always name my cars. My first car was named "lucky"...
Ironic because she was in more than a couple of accidents ;) 
We also named our first Christmas tree. Jolly was his name.

5.  I take 20-25 minute long showers.  
My college roommates thought I was crazy & secretly wanted me to pay more towards our water bill...
But I don't care what anyone thinks, they are so relaxing!

6.  I hadn't gone camping until I married Hubby... It's growing on me.
As long as there are bathrooms with showers and electricity!

7.  I used to despise Craigslist because Hubs first purchase caused me great stress...
a canoe.
and that was when we were living in an apartment...
we didn't have a garage. so he hung it from the ceiling in the guest room!
i wish i were kidding.

And the Nominees for the "Stylish Blogger Award" are...

Jones Design Company
Sweet Something Design
Beatrice Banks 
This Blessed Life
The Tarnished Crown
On Sutton Place
Life's Sweet Ingredients
Where You Hang Your Heart

Now here are the nominees responsibilities:

1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded them.
2. Share seven things about themselves.
3. Pay it forward to 10 (or so) recently discovered bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers about the award!


  1. I'm blushing! Thanks so much, you are so sweet, evidenced by the fact that you allowed a canoe to be hung in your home to make the hubs happy. I'm sure my husband would nominate you for sexiest woman alive for that gesture!

  2. ha! you're so welcome! looking forward to learning 7 interesting facts about you!

  3. thank you so much! what an adorable proposal story! love it. :) i linked up to the party - it's a great idea and thanks for thinking of my projects!

  4. Thank you SO VERY much! This was incredibly exciting! I didn't know I was stylish?!?!?! Thank you!!!!

    I absolutely loved your story about the canoe. You should be nominated for the BEST WIFEY award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. My goodness, I was hibernating from blogland for a couple of days, and today I see that I got a Stylish Blogger! Thank you so much! That is quite an honor, especially coming from you! I will be sure to get my nomination duties in order right away!


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.