Wednesday, June 1, 2011

a darling surprise!

A few weeks ago I wrote and shared the news that we were expecting a baby boy!
We were so thrilled! I am absolutely obsessed with this cute little man and his dada
(this pic is almost a year old, but I just think it's adorable.)

and couldn't even imagine how much fun we'd have with three dudes in this house!

Yesterday was our 20-week anatomy ultrasound.
My Dr. sends all her patients to a 
specialist who checks everything to make sure the baby is developing normally.
We received a wonderful report, our precious baby is developing perfectly.
We are beyond thankful for such a great report!
We did receive a very unexpected bit of news, though.
As, Linda, the sweet ultrasound technician was taking measurements and counting fingers and toes,
she asked a familiar question.
Here is how the remainder of the conversation went.

Linda: "Have you found out the gender of your baby yet?"
Liz: "Yes, we are so excited to have a second baby boy on the way!"
Linda: "Really?...Well I am 99.9% sure you are having a baby girl!"
Liz: "AHHHHHHH!!! Really?!?! Oh my goodness!
(I was beaming from ear to ear and continued smiling for the remainder of the day!)
Hubby: "Wait. What?"
Liz: We are having a GIRL!!!!! 

I then continued to laugh hysterically with sheer joy and excitement!
Linda had to ask me to calm down so she could continue with the ultrasound...
And the Anatomy Specialist Doctor came in and verified the results,
It's a GIRL!!!!

Hubby is definitely excited but he has been in a state of shock for the last day or so.
I know he'll be such an incredible daddy to our little girl.
And I can't wait to see them lock eyes for the first time.
We couldn't be more excited! 

So, I have set aside my boy nursery plans and the girl plans are in full swing!
Here is what I have dreamed up so far...
l.o.v.e. the color scheme in Isabella's Room 

and I am going with the teapot in this room from

See those teapot pendants in the top left corner of her design board?
They were originally $270/ea at Anthro!
I went to pick up a few today and bought each one for only $50/ea!
I paid $150 rather than $810!!
Let's be honest, there's no way I would have ever paid $810 for those,
even though they're too darling for words. So excited about my deal of the day!

Below are more lovelies that I am currently imagining in her room...

 (this lamp at Anthro is almost $300...but hubby and I devised a plan to create our own!
i'll definitely give you a step-by-step how to...stay tuned.)

Wondering how a little girl was mistaken for a little boy?
So were we...perhaps her umbilical chord got in the way???


  1. Oh so exciting! (Either way - so exciting - but especially since you have a boy already - it will be so lovely to experience a daughter!) I had a boy and with my 2nd, found out it was a girl, and secretly went CRAZY shopping - how could I not? We didn't tell anyone until she was born and it was killing me to keep the news and all those baby girl outfits to myself!! So I can totally feel your excitement - so happy for you!

  2. YAYYYYY!!! I knew it :) I can't wait to have a little "niece" to spoil! Love you!!

  3. What a FUN, wonderful surprise!!!! I can't wait to meet that precious beautiful Meeh baby girl!!! She is so loved already!!! And I LOVE the teapots you got!!!

  4. Liz! I am so excited that you are having a sweet baby girl! I know you will have so much fun! And Cade will be the best big brother :)

  5. Congratulations! What a story! Looks like you will have tons of fun planning a nursery for a girl!


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.