Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Farmhouse Chic

::DAY 2:: 

Welcome back! 
I hope you all had as much fun as I did yesterday, browsing the range of fabulous topics in this 31 Days party! So many interesting and creative ideas. 

My goal today is to get us all on the same page. To share my vision.  The vision for our Farmhouse. 

Let's see if I can train your eyes to see the potential I saw in some of my before pics, based on what I envisioned for our Farmhouse (FH) to be.  Now don't misunderstand me, I am completely ok with the fact that your vision of a Farmhouse might be different than mine - I just think it'll be more fun for you to look at the before pics and try to guess what I might do in each room.  

I received lots of questions from friends and family as to what my design style would be for this home.  Describing it as "Farmhouse Chic" seemed like the best fit.
I wanted to keep the traditional farmhouse elements, but update, modernize, chic-ify them, so that the style of our family and the style of the home would blend. After all, if it doesn't work for you and your family, then you probably shouldn't do it! 

A great source of inspiration for me was the 2012 Southern Living Idea House. 
I mean if it wasn't many states away, I would just love to live there. 
Everything is clean and crisp, while still being warm, southern, and inviting.  I also love that it feels like a farmhouse without small gingham wallpaper and red roosters in every nook and crany.
When I first saw these pictures, the first thing I noticed was the bones of the house. The floors, the doors, the mouldings, the wood plank walls, and lots of natural light. 

love the bead board vanity updated with a marble countertop

wood planked walls, painted a crisp white & paired with traditional fabrics and a natural fiber rug

doesn't this just make you want to curl up and sip a PSL? sigh.

again with the walls. lovin' them and the staggered artwork up the stairs

Southern Living does a lot of things right. Especially in this renovation. 
In case you haven't seen all of their before and afters, check them out here.

By the time we were finished designing and planning, I had folders in my Houzz account, on Pinterest, in the Peace of Home folder on my desktop and laptop, screen shots on my phone, and on and on. I still feel like I come across pictures that I saved months and months ago.

Hopefully you have a better vision of where we are headed with this renovation, and just to wet your taste buds, here are some before pics... but not too many otherwise that kills the suspense. ha! I'd love to know what you think I will do in each of the following spaces. Who knows, maybe I will have a prize for the person with the most correct guesses at the end of the series!?!
Good luck!

wet bar of previous owner

dining room of previous owner 


  1. Hi Liz, I'm loving your farmhouse story! I just found you via The Nester's 31 days link up and I've added your blog to my daily reading list. I'm building a house right now and have a similar story to yours with someone offering to purchase our lot the day we were to start building (after 8 months of prep work with architectural drawings and finding a lot). We ended up keeping our lot though and going through with our build. Thanks for sharing your renovations with us! - Emily

  2. Well, that farm house is one of my favorites! Love your direction!

  3. We are house hunting in Pismo beach right now and wow what a hassle. Love these inspiration pics! Thought you might enjoy this link about another farmhouse- a little more historical and less spacious but still sweet, http://www.onearth.org/articles/2013/10/a-day-on-the-farm-in-nyc


thank you for your sweet comments! i hope you enjoyed your time at a peace of home today.