Friday, February 18, 2011

you can do it!

Do you ever have projects that loom over you?
Taunting you because you don't have the nerve to try,
 or just don't have the motivation to get started?
I sure do!

One of my biggest is finishing the Laundry Room, that I mentioned here yesterday.
I need to spray paint the chandelier, stencil the back wall, and buy the baskets for organization.
After reading what I just typed, that's not groundbreaking stuff,
many people have stenciled walls. 
But for some reason, the whole stenciling thing intimidates me!

This morning I was scrolling through 
and saw this quote:

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” – unknown

So, here I go! I am going to spray paint that chandelier and stencil my wall!

What project of yours is weighing you down?
I double-dog-dare you to conquer it this weekend!
Good Luck!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

laundry room inspiration

I saw this laundry room months ago, and don't even remember where!
If you know, please remind me so I can give credit where credit is due.

At the time, my laundry room was a white box.
 white appliances, white walls, white tile, white ceiling, white shelves, white storage bins.
My heart smiled as it thought of washing and folding clothes in a room like this.

I showed Hubby, so for my birthday present he whipped up the dream laundry room.
Why haven't I shown you yet?
because I haven't decided what to do about the shelves.

It's 85% perfect, and once I figure out those shelves I'll clue you in.
I'd thought of making a fabric curtain to cover them...
but now I am toying with the idea of painting the shelves,
(they're still white)
stenciling/ wallpapering the back wall, and adding pretty baskets for natural texture.

As I write that, I am envisioning it and reallllly think that's what I'll end up choosing.
Anyway...I'll post pics as soon as I decide and finish.

Now, where to find the best stencils....Let me know if you have a favorite!

I did find this one & haven't stopped dreaming about it.
Jones Design Company took on her entire office. I bet I can handle a small wall!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

to market, to market

Saying that we had fun would be an understatement!
We saw gorgeous things, took away gobs of inspiration,
and I even found a little something I'd been looking for...

I hope you snag some inspiration from these photos as well!
nail head trim detail on the chairs. cathedral arch mirror.  distressed hutch.
loved the grouping.

moss subtleties swoons me.

i would have loved to carry home an antique lantern and hang it over my kitchen table!

my mom inherited some of these beaded flowers from my grandmother.
we had no idea how valuable they are....
she has multiple stems of all different colors.
these were selling for $95/ ea!
mom panicked that she had thrown them away 
but yesterday she texted and said she'd found them in the garage.
i bet they'll be dusted off and displayed in no time!

first of all, 
love the quatrefoil fabric. no surprise, as anything quatrefoil tugs on my heart strings.
the knotted tufting on that chair is fabulous.
filing these inspiration photos away for when I get around to bleaching
and recovering these lovelies

fluttering butterflies made from music sheets.

this pillow cover gave me a great idea for finishing out the pillows
for my friend's dijon dreaming bedroom.

i just loved that pink chair and flowery fabric.
so chic. so girly.

and this pic is for you, Lo!
One booth had these flowers everywhere,
and made me think of the sweet nursery you're designing!

this little mirrored vase was my treasure of the day.
i'd been craving a mirrored accessory for our home...
haven't figured out where it's going or what's going in it...
but little man was helping me photograph it for this post,
and i apologize for the terrible color/ lighting!

I wish you all could have been there to experience the market in person,
but I hope you all enjoyed the photos and use the inspiration throughout your home!

Monday, February 14, 2011

making Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope that you receive an abundance of love from friends and family today!

I want you to know that Jesus Christ loves each one of you more than you can comprehend! 
He loves you unconditionally.
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Last week, Little One created his first art project. Valentine's cards.
Here he is in action, having a blast with the markers and stickers!

He is the cutest thing I have ever seen. ever.
I am so thankful for that precious little boy and his heart overflowing with love!

Today is the last day to show off your Valentine Festiveness!

I'm sharing this Valentine with Debbie Doo

Friday, February 11, 2011

urban market this weekend!!

This weekend is the Urban Market in downtown, 
sure to be a truly unforgettable experience!

beautiful linens, fabulous pillows, gorgeous furniture, perfect accessories....sigh.
I have never been but have heard outstanding reviews!

What else is this weekend? The Corvette and Chevy show.
My mom and dad are coming in town to hang out and attend these festivities!
So guess where mom and I are going? and now guess where the men are going?
I can hardly wait to shop this award winning antique flea market with my mom!
We are unstoppable bargain hunters together!

I will take lots of pictures and share them with you on Monday!
Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

Last Friday, while the fam and i were snuggled up in our cozy home,
avoiding all the crazy icy cold weather,
I received an e-mail that warmed my heart!
Lisa wrote that she'd awarded me the stylish blogger award!
Wow! I was so humbled, surprised, and excited!
What an encouragement it was to me that day!
Lisa, thank you so, so much!  I truly appreciate it.

from :: Lisa @ Vintage Vine

As a recipient, I have some fun responsibilities...
I must share {7} things about myself and then choose {10} or so others to share the award with!

1. Before staying at home with my little guy, I taught 1st grade.
Ever since I'd been in 1st grade myself, my dream was to grow up and be a teacher!
Hubby proposed while I was student teaching... 
He wrote a book about our relationship, and brought an apple for the teacher, and of course a ring box ;)
I knew he would pop the question sometime soon, but he sure surprised me at school!

2. My favorite flavor of ice cream is Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. mouth is watering just thinking about it!

3.  Wicked is my all time, hands down, favorite musical.

4.  I always name my cars. My first car was named "lucky"...
Ironic because she was in more than a couple of accidents ;) 
We also named our first Christmas tree. Jolly was his name.

5.  I take 20-25 minute long showers.  
My college roommates thought I was crazy & secretly wanted me to pay more towards our water bill...
But I don't care what anyone thinks, they are so relaxing!

6.  I hadn't gone camping until I married Hubby... It's growing on me.
As long as there are bathrooms with showers and electricity!

7.  I used to despise Craigslist because Hubs first purchase caused me great stress...
a canoe.
and that was when we were living in an apartment...
we didn't have a garage. so he hung it from the ceiling in the guest room!
i wish i were kidding.

And the Nominees for the "Stylish Blogger Award" are...

Jones Design Company
Sweet Something Design
Beatrice Banks 
This Blessed Life
The Tarnished Crown
On Sutton Place
Life's Sweet Ingredients
Where You Hang Your Heart

Now here are the nominees responsibilities:

1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded them.
2. Share seven things about themselves.
3. Pay it forward to 10 (or so) recently discovered bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers about the award!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

mantle inspiration

My first dream was to remove the tv and hide it away in a beautiful armoiredone.
Now my dream is to create a simple yet fabulous mantle-scape.
Here are some pictures that I found this morning. They're my inspiration!

Iris traditional living room

love the sconces and collection of white vases.

Mantle detail traditional family room

love the stacked mirrors, natural addition of willow branches, and antique books.


again, loving the double stacked mirrors.

pottery barn

love the mirror and addition of the glass hurricane.

not sure where I found this image

Love the different scale of the objects in that fall mantle.

From these photos it would appear as though I'm a fan of mirrors above the fireplace! I love how they add height and depth to the room. I plan on starting there and adding additional touches. 
My goal: at least 50% of the mantle decor will come from things I already own!

I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And the winner is ....

The winner is #7 

Kim @ Savvy Souther Style!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What a great giveaway offer. I love Home Goods and look at those pillows. I must go see if they have them at my store!

Congratulations, Kim! I hope you find some fabulous pillows!
Be sure and let us know what you end up purchasing!
(ps: Kim has a wonderful blog that all of you should check out soon!)

(when i first generated the result it had a 7 in the "result box"
but i'm not sure why it didn't show up now?)

I am so thankful for each and every one of you who follow Peace of Home 
and leave such sweet comments each day! 
I hope you continue to enjoy your time spent here! 
Thank you all for playing!

Don't forget about the Valentine's Linky Party, open through February 14th!
Rose at the Tarnished Crown entered her fabulous Valentine's Pillows. and they're for sale!
Check out what the Tarnished Crown and all the other fabulous entries have to offer!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Last Change for the Giveaway!

Happy Monday!

I just wanted to give everyone one last chance to enter the giveaway for a 
$25 Home Goods gift card!

Hop on over here to enter, and I'll announce the winner tomorrow afternoon!

Good luck, all you fantastic followers!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Linky Party... love. love. love.

Yesterday I warned you...
Today is Peace of Home's very 1st Linky party!!!

Now it's your turn to share your creative, crafty, fun, pink, red, festive, anything love related
Valentine's decor!

Here are some of the little crafties that I worked on last night...

{felt kissing ball}

 traced the circles around a drinking glass

cut lots of circles out, folded them in 1/4, pinned them into the styrofoam ball
adding a lovely touch of pink to my corner hutch

{kissy print}
i though it was pretty darn cute! you can print your own for free here.
lolly jane is quite creative. 
i just printed it off and traded it out with the free printable from my Christmas decor.

Hubby brought these dainty little ones home the other night... 
He sure knows how to speak my love language!

{miniature heart wreath)
 i used the same technique as with the kissing ball, 
just pinned it to a tiny styrofoam heart, instead!
that's the label from the Schramsberg Champagne we drank at our Engagement Party!
a nice addition of l.o.v.e. to the mantle.
  this little wreath adds the perfect pop of red to the mantle-scape!

{pink astramaris blooms}
can't beat that pop of color for just $4!

All of those pops of Valentine Festiveness for just about $10!
kissing ball: $1.75
printable: free
tulips: gift from hubby
mini wreath: $3.00
astramaris: $4.00

So, what are you waiting for? link up!
Share your posts about the Valentine's Love around your home!

It's your turn to share your Valentine's decor! Whether big or small, let us know what you've been up to.
The party will be open until Monday, February 14th, for all you decorating procrastinators!
To join in, just add the link to your Valentine's post (it can be an old post) so that we can see your ideas.

You must link back here, to this post, so your link won't be deleted.

{Go HERE to enter the Home Goods giveaway}


Sharing these ideas with Fingerprints on the Fridge & Shabby Nest